Sonntag, 27. August 2017

A fresh start for a new academic year

Whether the new academic year has started for you already, will soon or is already half way through, I wish all students, teachers and educators a successful  'new year'!

Everyday we can learn new things and make new experiences. And as teachers, most importantly, we can also learn from our students, as well as the good and the bad days! Explore something new each day! 

Sonntag, 6. August 2017

And on and on...

You get to know new students, become a good group, with all its ups and downs in between. Then, before you realize it, the time with those students comes to an end.
Next, you get new students, and the 'fight' starts all over again, as a teacher or educator, you grow to love your students, and eventually you have to say 'goodbye'. And on and on.
And yet, it is not only the students that learn something during the time! You yourself do as well, and it's always a joy to see the little kids growing and ready for their next steps of life.
In the end, all those goodbyes don't matter so much, cause you know you have helped built their lives, in one way or other...and eventually you might learn what became of them. And instead of just one or two kids, you can be proud of so many more, more and more!

(Just a little motivational thought for the summer holidays)